wtte package


wtte.data_generators module

wtte.data_generators.generate_random_df(n_seqs=5, max_seq_length=10, unique_times=True, starttimes_min=0, starttimes_max=0)

generates random dataframe for testing. :param df: pandas dataframe with columns

  • id: integer
  • t: integer
  • dt: integer mimmicking a global event time
  • t_ix: integer contiguous user time count per id 0,1,2,..
  • t_elapsed: integer the time from starttime per id ex 0,1,10,..
  • event: 0 or 1
  • int_column: random data
  • double_column: dandom data
  • unique_times – whether there id,elapsed_time has only one obs. Default true
  • starttimes_min – integer to generate dt the absolute time
  • starttimes_max – integer to generate dt the absolute time
wtte.data_generators.generate_weibull(A, B, C, shape, discrete_time)

wtte.pipelines module

wtte.pipelines.data_pipeline(df, id_col='id', abs_time_col='time_int', column_names=['event'], constant_cols=[], discrete_time=True, pad_between_steps=True, infer_seq_endtime=True, time_sec_interval=86400, timestep_aggregation_dict=None, drop_last_timestep=True)

preprocesses dataframe and puts it in padded tensor format.

This function is due to change alot.

This outputs tensor as is and leave it to downstream to define events and from that censoring-indicator and tte. There’s many manipulations to do inbetween.

wtte.transforms module

wtte.transforms.df_join_in_endtime(df, constant_per_id_cols='id', abs_time_col='dt', abs_endtime=None)

Join in NaN-rows at timestep of when we stopped observing non-events.

If we have a dataset consisting of events recorded until a fixed timestamp, that timestamp won’t show up in the dataset (it’s a non-event). By joining in a row with NaN data at abs_endtime we get a boundarytime for each sequence used for TTE-calculation and padding.

This is simpler in SQL where you join on df.dt <= df_last_timestamp.dt

  • df (pandas.dataframe) – Pandas dataframe
  • constant_per_id_cols (String or String list) – identifying id and columns remaining constant per id&timestep
  • abs_time_col (String) – identifying the wall-clock column df[abs_time_cols].
  • abs_endtime (None or same as df[abs_time_cols]values.) – The time to join in. If None it’s inferred.
Return pandas.dataframe df:

pandas dataframe where each id has rows at the endtime.

wtte.transforms.df_to_array(df, column_names, nanpad_right=True, return_lists=False, id_col='id', t_col='t')

Converts flat pandas df with cols id,t,col1,col2,.. to array indexed [id,t,col].

  • df (Pandas dataframe) –

    dataframe with columns:

    • id: Any type. A unique key for the sequence.
    • t: integer. If t is a non-contiguous int vec per id then steps in between t’s are padded with zeros.
    • columns in column_names (String list)
  • nanpad_right (Boolean) – If True, sequences are np.nan-padded to max_seq_len
  • return_lists – Put every tensor in its own subarray
  • t_col – string column name for t

string column name for id

Return padded:

With seqlen the max value of t per id

  • if nanpad_right & !return_lists: a numpy float array of dimension [n_seqs,max_seqlen,n_features]
  • if nanpad_right & return_lists: n_seqs numpy float sub-arrays of dimension [max_seqlen,n_features]
  • if !nanpad_right & return_lists: n_seqs numpy float sub-arrays of dimension [seqlen,n_features]
wtte.transforms.df_to_padded(df, column_names, id_col='id', t_col='t')

pads pandas df to a numpy array of shape [n_seqs,max_seqlen,n_features]. see df_to_array for details

wtte.transforms.df_to_subarrays(df, column_names, id_col='id', t_col='t')

pads pandas df to subarrays of shape [n_seqs][seqlen[s],n_features]. see df_to_array for details


Returns the number of conecutive non-nan elements per sequence.

Parameters:padded – 2d or 3d tensor with dim 2 the time dimension

Change left padded to right padded.

wtte.transforms.normalize_padded(padded, means=None, stds=None)

norm. by last dim of padded with norm.coef or get them.

wtte.transforms.padded_events_to_not_censored(events, discrete_time)

(Legacy) calculates (non) right-censoring indicators from padded binary events

wtte.transforms.padded_events_to_tte(events, discrete_time, t_elapsed=None)

computes (right censored) time to event from padded binary events.

For details see tte_util.get_tte

  • events (Array) – Events array.
  • discrete_time (Boolean) – True when applying discrete time scheme.
  • t_elapsed (Array) – Elapsed time. Default value is None.
Return Array time_to_events:

Time-to-event tensor.

wtte.transforms.padded_to_df(padded, column_names, dtypes, ids=None, id_col='id', t_col='t')

takes padded numpy array and converts nonzero entries to pandas dataframe row.

Inverse to df_to_padded.

  • padded – a numpy float array of dimension [n_seqs,max_seqlen,n_features].
  • column_names – other columns to expand from df
  • dtypes (String list) – the type to cast the float-entries to.
  • ids – (optional) the ids to attach to each sequence
  • id_col – Column where id is located. Default value is id.
  • t_col – Column where t is located. Default value is t.
Return df:

Dataframe with Columns

  • id (Integer) or the value of ids
  • t (Integer).

A row in df is the t’th event for a id and has columns from column_names


Change right padded to left padded.

wtte.transforms.shift_discrete_padded_features(padded, fill=0)

Feature cols : data available in realtime at timestamp Target cols : not known at timestamp

For mathematical purity and to avoid confusion, in the Discrete case “2015-12-15” means an interval “2015-12-15 00.00 - 2015-12-15 23.59” i.e the data is accessible at “2015-12-15 23.59” (time when we query our database to do prediction about next day.)

In the continuous case “2015-12-15 23.59” means exactly at “2015-12-15 23.59: 00000000”.

TODO does not render in sphinx.

Discrete case t|dt |Event 0|2015-12-15 00.00-23.59|1 1|2015-12-16 00.00-23.59|1 2|2015-12-17 00.00-23.59|0 etc In detail: t |0|1|2|3|4|5|.... ———————|.... event |1|1|0|0|1|?|.... feature |?|1|1|0|0|1|.... TTE |0|0|2|1|0|?|.... Observed*|F|T|T|T|T|T|....

Continuous case t|dt |Event 0|2015-12-15 14.39|1 1|2015-12-16 16.11|1 2|2015-12-17 22.18|0 etc In detail:

t |0|1|2|3|4|5|.... ———————|.... event |1|1|0|0|1|?|.... feature |1|1|0|0|1|?|.... TTE |1|3|2|1|?|?|.... Observed*|T|T|T|T|T|T|....

Observed* = Do we have feature data at this time?

In the discrete case: -> we need to roll data intent as features to the right.

-> First timestep typically has no measured features (and we may not even know until the end of the first interval if the sequence even exists!)

So there’s two options after rolling features to the right: 1. Fill in 0s at t=0. (shift_discrete_padded_features)

note: if (data -> event) this is (randomly) leaky (potentially safe) note: if (data <-> event) this exposes the truth (unsafe)!
  1. Remove t=0 from target data
    (dont learn to predict about prospective customers first purchase) Safest!

note: We never have target data for the last timestep after rolling.

Example: Customer has first click leading to day 0 so at day 1 we can use features about that click to predict time to purchase. Since click does not imply purchase we can predict time to purchase at step 0 (but with no feature data, ex using zeros as input).

wtte.tte_util module

wtte.tte_util.carry_backward_if(x, is_true)

Locomote backward x[i] if is_true[i]. remain x untouched after last pos of truth.

  • x (Array) – object whos elements are to carry backward
  • is_true (Array) – same length as x containing true/false boolean.
Return Array x:

backwarded object

wtte.tte_util.carry_forward_if(x, is_true)

Locomote forward x[i] if is_true[i]. remain x untouched before first pos of truth.

  • x (Array) – object whos elements are to carry forward
  • is_true (Array) – same length as x containing true/false boolean.
Return Array x:

forwarded object

wtte.tte_util.get_is_not_censored(is_event, discrete_time=True)

Calculates non-censoring indicator u.

Parameters:discrete_time (Boolean) – if True, last observation is conditionally censored.
wtte.tte_util.get_tse(is_event, t_elapsed=None)

Wrapper to calculate Time Since Event for input vector.

Inverse of tte. Safe to use as a feature. Always “continuous” method of calculating it. tse >0 at time of event

(if discrete we dont know about the event yet, if continuous we know at record of event so superfluous to have tse=0)

tse = 0 at first step

  • is_event (Array) – Boolean array
  • t_elapsed (IntArray) –

    None or integer array with same length as is_event.

    • If none, it will use t_elapsed.max() - t_elapsed[::-1].

reverse-indexing is pretty slow and ugly and not a helpful template for implementing in other languages.

wtte.tte_util.get_tte(is_event, discrete_time, t_elapsed=None)

wrapper to calculate Time To Event for input vector.

Parameters:discrete_time (Boolean) – if True, use get_tte_discrete. If False, use get_tte_continuous.
wtte.tte_util.get_tte_continuous(is_event, t_elapsed)

Calculates time to (pointwise measured) next event over a vector.

  • is_event (Array) – Boolean array
  • t_elapsed (IntArray) – integer array with same length as is_event that supports vectorized subtraction. If none, it will use xrange(len(is_event))
Return Array tte:

Time-to-event (continuous version)

Should support discretely sampled, continuously measured TTE
wtte.tte_util.get_tte_discrete(is_event, t_elapsed=None)

Calculates discretely measured tte over a vector.

  • is_event (Array) – Boolean array
  • t_elapsed (IntArray) – integer array with same length as is_event. If none, it will use xrange(len(is_event))
Return Array tte:

Time-to-event array (discrete version)

  • Caveats

    tte[i] = numb. timesteps to timestep with event Step of event has tte = 0

    (event happened at time [t,t+1))

    tte[-1]=1 if no event (censored data)

wtte.tte_util.roll_fun(x, size, fun=<function mean>, reverse=False)

(Time) since event over discrete (padded) events.

Parameters:is_event (Array) – a vector of 0/1s or boolean
Return Array x:steps since is_event was true

(Time) to event for discrete (padded) events.

Parameters:is_event (Array) – a vector of 0/1s or boolean
Return Array x:steps until is_event is true

wtte.weibull module

Wrapper for Python Weibull functions

wtte.weibull.cdf(t, a, b)

Cumulative distribution function.

  • t – Value
  • a – Alpha
  • b – Beta

1 - np.exp(-np.power(t / a, b))

wtte.weibull.cmf(t, a, b)

Cumulative Mass Function.

  • t – Value
  • a – Alpha
  • b – Beta

cdf(t + 1, a, b)

class wtte.weibull.conditional_excess

Bases: object

Experimental class for conditional excess distribution.

The idea is to query s into the future after time t has passed without event. Se thesis for details.

note: Note tested and may be incorrect!

cdf(t, s, a, b)
mean(t, a, b)
pdf(t, s, a, b)
quantile(t, a, b, p)
wtte.weibull.continuous_loglik(t, a, b, u=1, equality=False)

Continous censored loglikelihood function.

Parameters:equality (bool) – In ML we usually only care about the likelihood

with proportionality, removing terms not dependent on the parameters. If this is set to True we keep those terms.

wtte.weibull.cumulative_hazard(t, a, b)

Cumulative hazard

  • t – Value
  • a – Alpha
  • b – Beta

np.power(t / a, b)

wtte.weibull.discrete_loglik(t, a, b, u=1, equality=False)

Discrete censored loglikelihood function.

Parameters:equality (bool) – In ML we usually only care about the likelihood

with proportionality, removing terms not dependent on the parameters. If this is set to True we keep those terms.

wtte.weibull.hazard(t, a, b)
wtte.weibull.mean(a, b)

Continuous mean. Theoretically at most 1 step below discretized mean

E[T ] <= E[Td] + 1 true for positive distributions.

  • a – Alpha
  • b – Beta

a * gamma(1.0 + 1.0 / b)

wtte.weibull.mode(a, b)
wtte.weibull.pdf(t, a, b)

Probability distribution function.

  • t – Value
  • a – Alpha
  • b – Beta

(b / a) * np.power(t / a, b - 1) * np.exp(-np.power(t / a, b))

wtte.weibull.pmf(t, a, b)

Probability mass function.

  • t – Value
  • a – Alpha
  • b – Beta

cdf(t + 1.0, a, b) - cdf(t, a, b)

wtte.weibull.quantiles(a, b, p)


  • a – Alpha
  • b – Beta
  • p

a * np.power(-np.log(1.0 - p), 1.0 / b)

wtte.wtte module

class wtte.wtte.WeightWatcher(per_batch=True, per_epoch=False)

Bases: keras.callbacks.Callback

Keras Callback to keep an eye on output layer weights. (under development)

weightwatcher = WeightWatcher(per_batch=True,per_epoch=False) model.fit(...,callbacks=[weightwatcher]) weightwatcher.plot()
on_batch_begin(batch, logs={})
on_batch_end(batch, logs={})
on_epoch_begin(epoch, logs={})
on_epoch_end(epoch, logs={})
class wtte.wtte.loss(kind, reduce_loss=True, regularize=False, location=10.0, growth=20.0)

Bases: object

Creates a keras WTTE-loss function. If regularize is called, a penalty is added creating ‘wall’ that beta do not want to pass over. This is not necessary with Sigmoid-beta activation.

  • Usage



With masking keras needs to access each loss-contribution individually. Therefore we do not sum/reduce down to scalar (dim 1), instead return a tensor (with reduce_loss=False).

loss_function(y_true, y_pred)
class wtte.wtte.output_activation(init_alpha=1.0, max_beta_value=5.0)

Bases: object

Elementwise computation of alpha and regularized beta.

Object-Oriented Wrapper to output_lambda using keras.layers.Activation.

  • Usage
    wtte_activation = wtte.output_activation(init_alpha=1.,

(Internal function) Activation wrapper

Parameters:ab – original tensor with alpha and beta.
Return ab:return of output_lambda with init_alpha and max_beta_value.
wtte.wtte.output_lambda(x, init_alpha=1.0, max_beta_value=5.0, alpha_kernel_scalefactor=None)

Elementwise (Lambda) computation of alpha and regularized beta.

  • Alpha:

    (activation) Exponential units seems to give faster training than the original papers softplus units. Makes sense due to logarithmic effect of change in alpha. (initialization) To get faster training and fewer exploding gradients, initialize alpha to be around its scale when beta is around 1.0, approx the expected value/mean of training tte. Because we’re lazy we want the correct scale of output built into the model so initialize implicitly; multiply assumed exp(0)=1 by scale factor init_alpha.

  • Beta:

    (activation) We want slow changes when beta-> 0 so Softplus made sense in the original paper but we get similar effect with sigmoid. It also has nice features. (regularization) Use max_beta_value to implicitly regularize the model (initialization) Fixed to begin moving slowly around 1.0

  • Usage
    model.add(Lambda(wtte.output_lambda, arguments={"init_alpha":init_alpha, 
  • x (Array) – tensor with last dimension having length 2 with x[...,0] = alpha, x[...,1] = beta
  • init_alpha (Integer) – initial value of alpha. Default value is 1.0.
  • max_beta_value (Integer) – maximum beta value. Default value is 5.0.
  • max_alpha_value (Integer) – maxumum alpha value. Default is None.
Return x:

A positive Tensor of same shape as input

Return type:


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