wtte.objectives package


wtte.objectives.tensorflow module

Objective functions for TensorFlow

wtte.objectives.tensorflow.betapenalty(b, location=10.0, growth=20.0, output_collection=(), name=None)

Returns a positive penalty term exploding when beta approaches location.

Adding this term to the loss may prevent overfitting and numerical instability of large values of beta (overconfidence). Remember that loss = -loglik+penalty

:param b:beta. Positive nonzero Tensor. :type b: float32 or float64. :param output_collection:name of the collection to collect result of this op. :type output_collection: Tuple of Strings. :param String name: name of the operation. :return: A positive Tensor of same shape as b being a penalty term.

wtte.objectives.tensorflow.loglik_continuous(a, b, y_, u_, output_collection=(), name=None)

Returns element-wise Weibull censored log-likelihood.

Continuous weibull log-likelihood. loss=-loglikelihood. All input values must be of same type and shape.

:param a:alpha. Positive nonzero Tensor. :type a: float32 or float64. :param b:beta. Positive nonzero Tensor. :type b: float32 or float64. :param y_: time to event. Positive nonzero Tensor :type y_: float32 or float64. :param u_: indicator. 0.0 if right censored, 1.0 if uncensored Tensor :type u_: float32 or float64. :param output_collection:name of the collection to collect result of this op. :type output_collection: Tuple of Strings. :param String name: name of the operation. :return: A Tensor of log-likelihoods of same shape as a, b, y_, u_

wtte.objectives.tensorflow.loglik_discrete(a, b, y_, u_, output_collection=(), name=None)

Returns element-wise Weibull censored discrete log-likelihood.

Unit-discretized weibull log-likelihood. loss=-loglikelihood.


All input values must be of same type and shape.

:param a:alpha. Positive nonzero Tensor. :type a: float32 or float64. :param b:beta. Positive nonzero Tensor. :type b: float32 or float64. :param y_: time to event. Positive nonzero Tensor :type y_: float32 or float64. :param u_: indicator. 0.0 if right censored, 1.0 if uncensored Tensor :type u_: float32 or float64. :param output_collection:name of the collection to collect result of this op. :type output_collection: Tuple of Strings. :param String name: name of the operation. :return: A Tensor of log-likelihoods of same shape as a, b, y_, u_.

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